Setup MongoDB using docker-compose
Currently we are working on Full-Stack project and we need to use latest MongoDB as a database. Our development team using Window 10 operation system and decided to use docker container for mongo database installation. Open command terminal and follow the steps give below. We are assuming that both docker and docker-compose are installed on the Windows 10 machine.
Step 1. To pull latest image docker registry and type the below command
docker pull mongo:latest
If you want to verify your mongo database image, type following command in the terminal
docker images
Step 2. Now its a time to write down docker-compose file in your favorite editor
# docker-compose.yml
version: '3.1' #format version for this docker compose file
image: mongo:latest
- "27017:27017"
command: mongod
Step 3. Now its a time to execute compose file using following command
docker-compose up or docker-compose up –d command
To verify image is up and running type this command in the terminal docker container ls or docker ps
Same thing is also achievable using Docker dashboard Windows client under Container/App listing. Other options are also available as well.
Step 4. Time to login in the container using container name, in our case container name is docker_mongo-container_1
docker exec –it docker_mongo-container_1 bash
Using container_name name property in docker-compose.yml to specify the container name.
Please follow the steps and let me know if you stuck in the middle. Thanks